How to Turn On the Bluetooth Feature on Your Laptop
By Michelle Varsallona
Since the Bluetooth "boom," Bluetooth can be used for a lot of different things other than just talking to people on a cell phone. Most computers now have Bluetooth hardware pre-installed in them. For example, you can use a Bluetooth keyboard, mouse or headset for your computer, for example; it's also possible to connect to the Internet via Bluetooth or transfer data between devices. Simply turning on your laptop's Bluetooth feature will allow you to do all of this.
Windows Bluetooth
Click the "Start" button and open the "Control Panel."
Open "Bluetooth Devices" in XP or the "Classic View" of Vista. In Vista or Windows 7, open "Hardware and Sound" and then "Bluetooth Devices."
Click "Bluetooth Settings" at the top of the window.
Check off "Allow Bluetooth devices to find this computer" and "Allow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer."
Click "Apply" to save the settings.
Mac Bluetooth
Click the "Apple" symbol and open "System Preferences."
Open "Bluetooth" and choose the "Settings" tab.
Click the "Turn Bluetooth On" button to enable your Mac laptop's Bluetooth.
Writer Bio
Michelle Varsallona started writing professionally in 2009. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in literature from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. She specializes in writing about all things mobile, gaming, geek-culture and vegan related.