How to Manage Safari Bookmarks in an iPhone

By Jason Spidle

Edit your bookmarks from within the Safari browser app.
i Chris Jackson/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Mobile Safari for the iPhone provides basic bookmark management functionality that allows you to sort, organize, rename and delete bookmarks with just a few taps of the screen. Although not as robust as the desktop version, these tools provide a measure of organization that makes it easier to quickly access your bookmarks when you need them.

Step 1

Tap the "Safari" icon on your iPhone home screen.

Step 2

Tap the "Bookmarks" button in the Safari toolbar and then tap the "Edit" button.

Step 3

Rename bookmarks or update the address of a bookmark by tapping the bookmark. This opens an edit screen for each individual bookmark from which you can update all properties of the bookmark.

Step 4

Organize bookmarks into folders by tapping the "New Folder" button. You can move bookmarks into your new folders by tapping the bookmark while in edit mode and selecting your preferred folder from the folder list.

Step 5

Delete bookmarks by tapping the delete icon and then tapping "Delete" to confirm that you want to remove the bookmark from Safari.

Step 6

Arrange your bookmarks in a different order by dragging and dropping the bookmark grips up or down.

Step 7

Add new bookmarks by visiting a page you want to bookmark in Safari, tapping the "Share" button in the Safari toolbar and then tapping "Add Bookmark."
