How to Connect an iPhone to a Computer With a Bluetooth

By Michael Butler

Enjoy iPhone music and conversation without wires, courtesy of Bluetooth.
i Christopher Robbins/Digital Vision/Getty Images

You can connect your iPhone to your computer with the USB cable. If you do not want to use a cable, you can also connect with Bluetooth, a wireless protocol designed for short distances. After you connect your iPhone with Bluetooth, you can then synchronize iTunes or other software. You can also tether your computer's Internet access to your phone, essentially using the iPhone as a modem for your computer.

Step 1

Tap "Settings" on your iPhone. Tap "General," followed by "Bluetooth."

Step 2

Push the "Bluetooth" slider to "On."

Step 3

Click your computer's Windows "Start" button.

Step 4

Click "Control Panel," then "Hardware and Sound."

Step 5

Click "Bluetooth Devices," then "Add." Windows will search for nearby Bluetooth devices and generate a list.

Step 6

Click on your iPhone's icon in the list, then click "OK." Your computer will display a code. Type that code into your iPhone, then tap "Connect."
