How to Write a Legal Disclaimer for a Facebook Fan Page (6 Steps)

By Louis Kroeck

Poor legal disclaimers may result in cease-and-desist letters.
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A disclaimer is a legal document of great importance. Your disclaimer for your Facebook fan page will need to cover some basic areas regardless of the jurisdiction you reside in or the type of content you will be displaying on your fan page. However, because each state has different considerations worth exploring, you should perform thorough legal research or contact an attorney prior to proceeding.

Step 1

Fan pages require a lot of attention.
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Provide a link to your disclaimer at the top of your Facebook fan page. Your disclaimer should be immediately visible to anyone visiting your Facebook fan page.

Step 2

Provide your contact information in your disclaimer, including your name, address, email address, phone number and any other necessary information so that third parties can contact you.

Step 3

Disclaim all rights to the information provided within your Facebook fan page. Any pictures, descriptions or other information related to the subject of your fan page may be the property of a third party. To avoid liability, state clearly on the page that you are hosting the information only as a fan.

Step 4

State that information provided on your Facebook fan page by third parties is not your responsibility and that anyone posting content to your fan page is solely responsible for their own content.

Step 5

Thank the owner or subject of your Facebook fan page. Notify visitors that they should respect the owner's rights and only post content that is not protected under copyright law.

Step 6

Draft standard boilerplate legal language at the bottom of your disclaimer, including a choice of venue clause and a general disclaimer as to all information posted on the fan page. Have an attorney review your disclaimer for validity within your jurisdiction.
