Why Does LinkedIn Ask for Verification?

By Aaron Charles

LinkedIn verifies accounts primarily for security and privacy.
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LinkedIn asks you for verification in a number of ways, each having a particular reason. In general, LinkedIn occasionally asks you for some form of verification for two main reasons: your privacy and the privacy of others; and both reasons help to keep a more secure, professional atmosphere on LinkedIn. Some prompts for verification you can help prevent, but others you won't be able to avoid.

Protecting Your Privacy

Sometimes, when trying to sign in to your LinkedIn account, you might be prompted to confirm your account via email. This happens when LinkedIn suspects activity on your account that could make your account unsafe. What LinkedIn means by this rule, exactly, is not spelled out. But in such cases, you should sign in to your email account associated with your LinkedIn account and look for an email titled "Confirm Your Recent Sign In Attempt." Then follow the email instructions to reauthenticate your LinkedIn account.

CAPTCHA And Spammers

LinkedIn may prompt you with a CAPTCHA box and ask you to enter the appropriate info. This happens when, for whatever reason, there's been activity on your account that colors you as an auto-bot spammer. To verify that you are human, and not someone's computer program masquerading as a real person, enter the right information and you'll be on your way. To prevent getting the CAPTCHA prompt in the future, LinkedIn suggests that you enable cookies on your browser and that you stay signed in to your LinkedIn account for the entire day.

Protecting Others' Privacy

Usually, when you try to connect with someone on LinkedIn, you're asked to verify that you know the person with whom you want to connect -- either as a colleague, friend, classmate or otherwise -- by giving information that proves you know them. The reason, according to LinkedIn execs, is that "LinkedIn values users' privacy and responds to complaints about unwelcome invitations." It's considered best and professional practice to try to link with only those whom you know. If you select "Other" when prompted by LinkedIn in this situation, you're be asked to provide the person's email address.

False Prompts

Be aware that sometimes you may be prompted via email to provide sensitive information such as your username, password or even credit-card information, and that these emails may not be from LinkedIn staff. Often these emails are from scammers who want your info for nefarious purposes. If the email seems suspicious, do not click any links or open any attachments. Also, regarding any links embedded in the email, place your cursor over the link and see what website address appears. If it's not a LinkedIn address, then you know the email is fraudulent.
