The Best Way to Call an International Phone Number From Verizon Cellphone

By Melanie Jo Triebel

Dialing Canada is no different than calling a U.S. number.
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As more and more people choose to have only cellphone service, rather than a home phone, and more people transact business on their cellular phones, international cellular calling is also becoming increasingly important. For Verizon Wireless customers, there are two different ways to place an international phone call, depending upon the destination country of the call: 10-digit dialing and international dialing.

Ten-Digit Dialing

The easiest way to call an international number is, of course, to use 10-digit dialing as you would to make a domestic call. Verizon offers 10-digit North American Dialing to specified countries. The name is a bit misleading, however. This service extends to the U.S. and Canada, as well as numerous island nations, such as Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the Virgin Islands, and Jamaica. The service doesn't extend to Mexico, however, although parts of the nation are located in North America.

International Dialing

You can't make an international call to most non-U.S. countries without purchasing International Dialing or I-Dial service. You need to choose a plan: Standard International Dialing or the International Long Distance Value Plan. The standard plan offers rates as low as $0.20 per minute, while the value plan offers rates starting at $0.06 per minute as of June 2011. In each plan, the rate varies by country and region. The value plan, however, allows calling to fewer countries and entails a monthly access charge.

How to Get It

You must sign up for an I-Dial plan to dial most countries outside the U.S. To qualify for I-Dial service, you must meet the company's payment history requirements, which the company doesn't disclose. Additionally, to get I-Dial service, you must be signed up for an adequate-length contract with Verizon. I-Dial can be activated by calling Verizon's customer service number or visiting a Verizon store.

How to Use It

Using I-Dial is comparable to making a long-distance call on a landline phone. You must first dial "011," then the country code, then the telephone number you would like to call. Then, hit "Send" just as you would when placing a domestic call. Verizon's ( website offers an International Service Web page providing information about country codes and dialing patterns for various countries.
