How to Use the Internet Options on Google Chrome

By Kevin Lee

Adjust Chrome's security settings by finding its Internet Options section.
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Internet Explorer has an Internet Options menu that people use to adjust browser security, the form autofill behavior and other settings to make Web browsing safer and more productive. If you search for a similar Internet Options menu on Google Chrome, you may not be able to find it. Chrome has a page that enables you to customize these settings; you just need to find the page.

Step 1

Launch Google Chrome. Click the menu icon and then click "Settings." Chrome displays the Settings page. This page has general settings that adjust the browser's appearance, default search engine and other basic properties.

Step 2

Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the "Show Advanced Settings" link to display additional hidden Internet options. The browser divides the settings into these groups: Privacy, Passwords and Forms, Web Content, Network, Languages, Downloads, HTTPS/SSL, Google Cloud Print and Background Apps.

Step 3

Move to the group that contains the Internet option you would like to change. For example, if you'd like to change your default download location, click the "Change" button in the Downloads section and then double-click one of the folders that appear in the Browse For Folder dialog window.
