How to Make an MPG Play on an Android Phone

By David Wayne

Access your MPG videos directly from your memory card.
i Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

In addition to sending texts and emails and making phone calls, you can play MPG videos on your Android phone with a free Android video-player application. With video files on your Android phone, you can keep yourself occupied while sitting in waiting rooms or taking long car trips. A lightweight video-player app has a small file size and won't take up much of your cell phone's memory. You'll have one-touch access to all the video content on your memory card for instant, convenient video playback.

Step 1

Turn on your phone and wait for the Home screen to appear. Connect your phone to a USB port on your computer.

Step 2

Tap the status bar at the top of your Home screen and drag your finger down to expand the Notifications panel. Tap "USB Connect" and "Mount" to gain access to your phone's memory card on your computer.

Step 3

Drag MPG files to your memory card. Click the "Removable drives" icon in the lower-right corner of your computer desktop. Click "Safely remove mass-storage device" and disconnect your Android phone from your computer.

Step 4

Press "Home" on your phone and tap "All Programs." Tap "Market" to open the Android Market application. Tap the "Search" option.

Step 5

Type "Video Player" into the search field and press "Enter." Tap the free Video Player download link to download the app from the Android Market. The app will automatically be installed when the download finishes.

Step 6

Press "Home" and tap "All Programs." Tap "Video Player" to run the application. Tap the MPG file to start playing the video on your Android phone.
