How to Unregister a Kindle

By Jason Spidle

Unregistering your Kindle can be done from the Amazon account management webpage.
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The Amazon Kindle is a portable e-book reader device that utilizes E Ink electronic paper technology to provide a clear display for reading text. The Kindle connects to the Amazon book store to enable the easy purchase and management of your e-book library. In order to utilize Amazon's purchasing and library management features, you need to link your Kindle to an Amazon account. If you plan to sell your Kindle or give it to someone else, you will need to unregister your Amazon account so that the device is no longer linked to your account. You can unregister your Kindle from your Web browser using the Amazon account management page.

Step 1

Launch a Web browser and navigate to the Manage Your Kindle page (see Resources).

Step 2

Log on to your Amazon Kindle account.

Step 3

Click "Deregister" on the right side of the page next to your Kindle device name. This will unlink the Kindle from your Amazon account and remove all personal information from the device.
