How to Unlock Maps for the Mio GPS

By Alexander Poirier

Mio GPS navigation devices allow you to purchase, download and install new and up-to-date maps onto your device. After purchasing the activation key from the Mio Store website, you can unlock the map with the MioMore Desktop application. Mio GPS devices come with most of the tools you need to unlock maps on the device, so the only thing you need to supply is the computer to run the applications.

Open the computer's web browser and navigate to the Mio Store website. Click the "Maps" link, followed by the "Unlock Additional Maps" link. Select your device from the "Select a Device" window and click the map you wish to unlock. Provide your billing and payment information and download the activation key.

Insert the MioMore Desktop DVD that came with the Mio GPS device into the DVD drive of the computer. Install the program onto the computer and remove the DVD from the DVD drive.

Connect the Mio GPS device to the computer via the USB cable that came with it.

Open the MioMore Desktop program. Click the "My Maps" icon.

Insert the map DVD that came with your GPS device into the computer's DVD drive.

Click the map you purchased the activation key for in Step 1.

Enter the map activation key when prompted.

Click the map again after it has been activated. Select your Mio GPS device from the pop-up window and click the "Transfer Now" button. Allow several seconds for the transfer to finish.

Disconnect the Mio GPS device from the computer.
