How to Uncompress a Hard Drive

By G.K. Bayne

With the introduction of Windows XP, Microsoft made it simple to compress a hard drive to give the user extra storage space. But compression has the drawback of being somewhat unreliable and slow. Uncompressing a hard drive is a simple process and only requires a few clicks to complete. Once the procedure is complete, you can choose individual files and folders to compress for added storage on the drive.

Step 1

Click on your "My Computer" icon on your desktop.

Step 2

Identify the compressed drive. Depending on your system, the compressed drive might display in a text color other than black.

Step 3

Right click on the compressed drive and choose "Properties" from the given options.

Step 4

Click on the box next to the text line "Compress drive to save disk space". This will remove the check mark in the box.

Step 5

Click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 6

Choose between uncompressing the entire drive or uncompressing the files and folders by clicking the radio button next to your choice. Click "OK." Compression will be removed from the drive.
