How to Unblock Several Facebook Users All at Once

By Sarah Morse

Reconnect with friends by unblocking them on Facebook.
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Blocking prevents people from communicating directly with you on Facebook, and you from communicating with them, but those results aren't permanent. Facebook devotes an entire section to managing your blocked users. In this section, you can see a full list of those you blocked, and unblock them if you wish, with only a couple of clicks. Once you unblock those users, however, you have to friend them again to regain your prior status as "friends." If certain users blocked you in return, you will not find them or be able to send a request for friendship.

Step 1

Log in to Facebook and click the padlock icon in the blue admin bar at the top of your screen.

Step 2

Choose "How do I stop someone from bothering me" from the menu.

Step 3

Click "View All Blocked Users" for a complete list of everyone you have blocked.

Step 4

Click "Unblock" next to each name you want to unblock, then "Confirm" when Facebook asks you if you are sure.
