How to Type a Digital Name Signature
By Robin Reichert
A digital name signature ensures that computer files are authentic and have not been altered. The digital signature, also called a digital certificate, can be created for email, text files, Word documents, Access databases, PowerPoint presentations and just about any kind of file that requires verification of authenticity. A digital certificate can be purchased from a third-party company, but you can create your own digital signature for your Microsoft Office documents and files. A digital name signature is useful when sharing files with others to ensure that no one has changed your original document.
Click on the "File" tab or click the Office icon at the top left of the document window. Select "Prepare" from the drop-down menu and then click on "Get a Digital Signature."
Select "Create a Digital ID" in the dialog box that opens. Your digital signature should be unique to you and not a generic signature used by any other user who has access to your computer.
Enter the following information for the digital name signature: name; email address; company or business name; location (city, state and/or country). Click "Create" when you have entered all the required information.
Enter the purpose for creating the digital signature for the document. The purpose may be to authenticate the document as original or unedited. Type whatever reason you want to type in this box. Click "Sign the Document." The document will now have a digital signature. Changes or edits to the document will not be permitted once the document is digitally signed. Any changes or edits made to the document will invalidate the certificate.
Save your file. Documents that are signed with a user-created digital identification may be authenticated only the computer where the document and digital name signature is originally created.
- The "Get a Digital ID" dialog box appears only for documents that do not already have a digital signature or digital certificate.
- Documents that have been digitally signed cannot be altered on your computer. Make sure that you only digitally sign finished documents.
- Changing the document in another program after creating a digital signature will result in a warning box that the document has been altered.
Writer Bio
Robin Reichert is a certified nutrition consultant, certified personal trainer and professional writer. She has been studying health and fitness issues for more than 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health from Clayton College.