Troubleshooting a Blue Screen on a Gateway Laptop

By Darla Ferrara

A blue screen error might indicate a problem with the operating system.
i laptop image by Angie Lingnau from

A blue screen error on any computer, including a Gateway, is Windows' way of saying there is a problem with the system. Although many people refer to these events as death screens, the truth is they often indicate a fixable problem. Gateway laptops work much the same as any other system when loaded with a Windows operating platform. Troubleshooting a blue screen error begins with a few steps to fix some common errors.

Run Windows Updates

Step 1

Open Internet Explorer on your computer. Double-click on the desktop icon or locate the program in the "Start" menu. Click on the "Start" button at the bottom of your desktop to open the "Start" menu.

Step 2

Move to "Tools" at the top of the Internet Explorer screen. Select "Windows Update" from the Tools menu. Let the system run a complete update and download any new security packs for the computer.

Step 3

Reboot the computer once the update process is complete. This may take care of the error and eliminate the blue screen. If not, continue to Section 2.

Repair Boot Sectors -- Windows XP, Vista or 7

Step 1

Insert the Windows installation disk into the CD drive. Reboot the computer.

Step 2

Press any key to boot the computer from the CD or DVD.

Step 3

Move the pointer to "Repair your Computer" and click to select the option from the installation menu on the screen.

Step 4

Highlight the operating system producing the blue screen and press the "Enter" key.

Step 5

Select "Command Prompt" from the System Recovery Options.

Step 6

Type "Bootrec /fixmbr" at the C: prompt on the screen. Press enter to start the process.

Step 7

Restart the computer once the repair completes.

Last Known Good Configuration (Windows XP only)

Step 1

Restart the computer.

Step 2

Press the "F8" key on the keyboard as the computer begins. You must press the button before the "Windows" screen appears.

Step 3

Use the arrow key on the keyboard to highlight "Last Known Good Configuration." Press the "Enter" key to select this option. Let the process run and reboot the computer.
