Transferring Juno Email to Gmail

By Aksana Nikolai

Transfer your Juno messages to Gmail to save time.
i Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

Checking several email accounts throughout the business day can be time-consuming. If Gmail is your preferred email client, you can forward messages from other services like Juno to your Gmail. You can forward individual Juno messages to Gmail or set up automatic forwarding of all incoming Juno email. With the latter option, Juno enables you to choose whether you want to keep copies of emails that you forward to Gmail in your Juno inbox.

Forward Individual Juno Messages to Gmail

Log in to your Juno account and navigate to the Message Center. Open the message you want to forward to Gmail and click “Forward.”

Enter the Gmail address to which you want to forward the message into the “To” field.

Enter any text you want to include with the forwarded message into the body of the email. Click “Send” to forward to message.

Automatically Forward Incoming Juno Messages to Gmail

Log in to your Juno account and navigate to the Message Center. Click “Options” and select “General.”

Select “On -- Forward All My New Email” within the Mail Forwarding section.

Select “Save All Forwarded Messages in My Account” if you want to keep copies of forwarded emails in your Juno inbox. If you do not want to keep copies, select “Delete All Forwarded Messages From My Account.”

Enter the Gmail address you want to forward your Juno messages to and click “Save.”
