How to Transfer a YouTube Video to a Sony Walkman

By Christina Shaffer

Convert and transfer YouTube videos to your Walkman.
i Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

A variety of videos on YouTube have a Creative Commons license, which allows you download, edit and reuse content uploaded by the original creators. Depending on the YouTube video you want to transfer to your Sony Walkman, however, you may need to convert the file to a compatible format. YouTube supports a variety of video formats, including AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV and MP4. However, the Sony Walkman is compatible only with MP4 videos. To convert the YouTube video, use desktop conversion freeware or an online video converter. After you convert the files, transfer them to the Walkman using Sony’s Media Go application.

Using Any Video Converter

Step 1

Download and install Any Video Converter (link in Resources). Launch the program when the installation process completes.

Step 2

Click the “File” tab and select the “Import Video from Internet” option. Enter the URL of the YouTube video you want to download and then click the “Start Download” button. Alternatively, you can import a YouTube video you downloaded previously by clicking the “Add Video Files” button on the toolbar, selecting the video and clicking “Open.”

Step 3

Click the “Output Profile” drop-down menu and select “Customized MP4 Movie” as the output format.

Step 4

Click the “Options” button and then click the “General” tab to change the destination folder for the converted file. Click the “Browse” button in the Set Output folder section and select your preferred destination folder, such as “My Videos.” Click “OK” to save the destination folder and return to the main screen.

Step 5

Click the “Convert Now” button on the toolbar. When the conversion process completes, the MP4 saves to your chosen destination folder.

Using YTD Video Downloader

Step 1

Download and install YTD Video Downloader (link in Resources). When the installation process completes, open the conversion software.

Step 2

Enter the URL of the YouTube Video and then click the “Download” button. The download progress will display on the Activity screen. If you previously saved the YouTube video to your hard drive, skip this step.

Step 3

Click the “Convert” tab and then click the folder icon in the Select the Video File field. Navigate to the Documents folder and select the video you downloaded through the program. By default, YTD Video Downloader saves all downloaded videos to the Documents folder. If you previously downloaded the YouTube video, navigate through your folders and import the file.

Step 4

Click the “Convert video to” drop-down menu and select the MP4 option as the video output format.

Step 5

Remove the check next to the “Same folder as downloads” option in the Save To field if you want to change the default output folder. Click the folder icon and select your preferred destination folder for the converted video in the Browse for Folder dialog box. Click “OK” to save the changes. If you opt not to change the destination folder, the converted video saves to the Documents folder.

Step 6

Click the “Convert Video” button to convert the YouTube video to MP4 format.

Using Online-Convert

Step 1

Navigate to the Convert Files website (link in Resources).

Step 2

Check the box next to the “download it from” option and enter the URL of the YouTube video you want to convert. If the video is saved to your PC, check the box next to the “Choose a local file” option, click the “Browse” button and upload the file.

Step 3

Click the “Output format” drop-down menu and select the “MPEG-4 Video File” option.

Step 4

Click the “Convert” button.

Step 5

Click the download link when the conversion process completes. Check the box next to the “Save file” option in the Open dialog box and then click “Save.” The MP4 saves to the Downloads folder automatically.

Sync Video

Step 1

Connect the Sony Walkman to the computer and launch the Media Go software.

Step 2

Click the “File” menu, select the “Add Media to Library” option and import the MP4 video you created with the conversion software.

Step 3

Click the “Movies and TV Show” button in the navigation pane and select the YouTube video.

Step 4

Select the Sony Walkman in the Destination drop-down menu.

Step 5

Click the “Add To” button to transfer the video to the device.
