How to Transfer Telephone Numbers From Verizon to AT&T

By Stephanie Ellen

Transfering your number is a painless process.
i cell phone image by Mat Hayward from

Verizon subscribers can transfer their phone number to AT&T. The Federal Communications Commission's wireless number portability act requires that all wireless telephone companies allow transfer of numbers between companies if the process if physically possible. In some cases, you also may be able to port your landline number. Transferring your number when you switch from Verizon to AT&T saves you the hassle of informing your contacts of your new phone number.

Click the "Bring Your Number to AT&T" link on the AT&T website (see Resources).

Type your Verizon number into the "Wireless Number" text box.

Type your ZIP code into the "ZIP code" text box and click "Submit."

Read the information presented on the screen. To continue with the porting process, you must receive a message that states your number is eligible for transfer. If your number is ineligible, you cannot port the number to AT&T.

Click on the AT&T home page (see Resources) and choose a cell phone. You'll be asked for your current phone number during the checkout process.

Wait for the porting process to complete. AT&T will contact Verizon to switch your number to the AT&T network. Your Verizon account will close automatically at the end of the porting process. The process should take no longer than seven days, during which time you may have service on both phones.
