How to Transfer Music From a Computer to an iPod Classic?
By Si Kingston
Apple's iPod is one of the most popular MP3 players available, with the iPod Classic being one of the most popular models. This model has one of the largest storage capacities out of all the portable audio players in the iPod family: with 160 gigabytes of storage, it can hold up to 40,000 songs. Start enjoying and transferring music to your iPod Classic today.
Download and install iTunes (see Resources).
Open up iTunes from the Start menu or via the iTunes desktop icon.
Connect your iPod classic to your computer's USB port using the iPod's USB sync cable. Wait for iTunes to recognize your iPod and display your iPod's current files and music lists. You should see the name of your iPod (e.g., Steve's iPod) under "Devices" in the left-hand menu. Click to select your iPod device.
Go to "File" and select "New Playlist" to create a new music list. Or click a music list that is already displayed under your iPod's name that you want to add a new music file to.
Click "File" again and select "Add File to Library." In the "File to Library" window, select the arrow button next to the "Look In" field to find where your music file is stored. Once you find the correct file, click the "Open" button. iTunes will then transfer your selection to your iPod Classic.
- Click "iTunes Store" in the left side of your iTunes window to purchase music to transfer to your iPod classic.
Writer Bio
Si Kingston has been an online content contributor since 2004, with work appearing on websites such as MadeMan. She is a professional screenwriter and young-adult novelist and was awarded the Marion-Hood Boesworth Award for Young Fiction in 2008. Kingston holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mills College.