How to Stop MS Word From Pushing Sentences to a New Page

By Filonia LeChat

Tell Microsoft Word to stop wrapping your lines of text.
i George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Microsoft Word is so ingrained in communication that you may simply open the program and work with it on autopilot to create documents. But occasionally, Word has a little too much autonomy and performs functions you don’t want it to, such as wrapping paragraph sentences onto a new page. You only have to configure a few things behind the scenes in Word to stop that line push.

Step 1

Launch Microsoft Word and click the Home tab if it is not already enabled.

Step 2

Click the small arrow in the bottom right corner of the Paragraph section of the tab’s ribbon to open the Paragraph window.

Step 3

Click the “Line and Page Breaks” tab.

Step 4

Uncheck the “Widow/Orphan Control” box, which is usually checked by default.

Step 5

Uncheck the “Keep with next” box if it is checked. This is one function that tells Word to push those sentences to the next page.

Step 6

Check the “Keep lines together” box.

Step 7

Click the “OK” button to close the window and return to the document.
