The Specifications for a Kicker 8-Inch Solo-Baric L7 Box

By Nicholas Johnson

Kicker has been a wide distributor of car audio components since 1980. They have dedicated themselves to the development of high-quality and high-performance audio components including subwoofers, amplifiers and speaker systems. The Solo-Baric L7 series of subwoofers is a group of square subwoofers which come in 15-inch, 12-inch, 10-inch and 8-inch models. The 8-inch model provides the lowest performance output but at the lowest cost.

Performance Specifications

The 8-inch model of the Kicker Solo-Baric L7 line has an impedance of 2 or 4 OHM dual voice coils (DVC). Higher OHMs provides greater electrical resistance and a tighter sound but should match the resistance of the other audio components. It is sensitive to 83.6 decibels and produces a frequency response between 28 to 100 hertz.

Size Specifications

The Kicker Solo-Baric L7 8-inch model, like its name, has a square size of 8 inches by 8 inches. It has a mounting depth of 4 3/4 inches and requires a mounting cutout of 7 1/4 inches square. If placed in a sealed mounting box, the box should have an interior volume of 0.33 to 0.75 cubic feet. If the box is vented the necessary volume range increases to 0.66 to 1.0 cubic feet.


The Solo-Baric L7 series features heat-reduction tweaks such as a T-shaped cutout top plate and a solid interior pole at the cone base. The cone structure is the Kicker SoloKon molded cone which produces additional power. Tinsel leads provide the SoloKon cone with a higher degree of movement.
