How to Set Up the Heil Talkbox

By WayneC

Set Up the Heil Talkbox
i Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images

A Talkbox is a music device designed to reproduce sound from an amplifier and direct it into the mouth of a singer. This produces an effect that makes it sound like a singer's guitar is "talking." Setting up a Talkbox is not a difficult task, though there is a basic setup and a more advanced setup.

Basic Setup

Connect your guitar to a pre-amp effect (such as Crybaby or Distortion).

Connect your pre-amp effect to the input of your Amp Head.

Take a heavy duty speaker cable and plug it into the output of the Amp Head and the input of the Talkbox.

Connect either your 8-ohm speaker or speaker cabinet to the Talkbox's output. Take the end of the Talkbox's clear tube and place it along side your microphone so the tube can fit in your mouth.

Advanced Setup

Connect your guitar to a pre-amp effect (such as Crybaby or Distortion).

Connect the pre-amp effect to an A/B switchbox's input (or, if you do not have an A/B switchbox, a similar device with two outputs and one input).

Connect the Amp Head to one of the A/B box's outputs. Connect the Speaker/Amp combination (or an Amp Head with speakers) to the other A/B box output.

Connect a heavy duty cable to the speaker output of the Amp Head and the input of the Talkbox.

Take the end of the Talkbox's clear tube and place it along side your microphone so the tube can fit in your mouth.
