How to Set Up Email Acounts on Cox

By Si Kingston

You can set up an email account with Cox.
i email image by Hao Wang from

Cox Communications is one of the largest cable and Internet providers in the U.S. Cox also provides Internet subscribers with the option of setting up a personalized Cox email address. To set up a Cox email account, you will need your bill to access your account number and PIN number. If you don't have your Cox bill, you will have to call your regional Cox customer service office to get that information.

Step 1

Go to the Cox WebMail page.

Step 2

Click on "Register Now" to open a new Cox email account.

Step 3

Enter your Cox account number as it appears on your Cox bill. Enter your name and your Cox PIN number, which is also located on your bill. On the same page, enter a user ID, which will be your email address, and a password. You will use both your user ID and password to log in to your email account.

Step 4

Select the "Submit" button once you have completed entering your account details. Your WebMail Inbox will then be displayed and you will have full access to your Cox email account.
