How to Set Up Netflix on Your Internet Ready TV

By Karen Sanders

Set Up Netflix on Your Internet Ready TV
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Netflix is a monthly video subscription service that provides access to movies and videos through the mail and by streaming video through Internet-ready devices such as computers, televisions and game consoles. Many flat-screen televisions with LED and LCD technology sell with pre-installed Internet apps such as Netflix, Twitter and Flicker. After the initial setup of your Netflix account and your television application, you'll be able to select and watch unlimited movies and television shows.

Set Up the Netflix Application

Plug your Internet router's Ethernet cable into the back of your television, or connect your television to the Internet with Wi-Fi.

Press the Internet apps button on your TV's remote control.

Select the Netflix application. Follow prompts to confirm that you have a Netflix account. If you already have a Netflix membership, you will receive an activation code. If you do not have an account, follow prompts to go to the Netflix website and sign up.

Navigate to the Netflix website on your computer to activate your television for streaming video services.

Activate Your Netflix Account

Connect to the Netflix website with your computer or a smart phone. Verify that you have your television connected to the Internet.

Log in to your Netflix account and click on the "How to watch Netflix on your TV" link at the bottom of the page. If you do not have a Netflix account, create one.

Follow prompts to enter the activation code you received from your Internet-ready TV. After a few moments, Netflix will notify you that your Internet-ready device is able to receive streaming videos.

Go to the "Watch Instantly" tab, and select movies to add to your instant queue.

Log out of your Netflix account when you are ready to watch videos from your TV.

Watch Streaming Videos

Press the Internet apps button on your TV's remote control.

Select the Netflix icon to launch the application.

Scroll through your watch instantly queue and select the movie or television show you would like to watch. Your streaming video will begin after the application calculates the appropriate resolution for your Internet speed.
