How to Send Multiple Photos at a Time in Apple

By Elle Smith

Save time by emailing multiple photos at once.
i Jason Reed/Photodisc/Getty Images

The Apple Macintosh operating system offers built-in features to send multiple photos to friends or family. Mail is a full-featured, easy-to-use, streamlined email program that is graphics-friendly and capable of mailing multiple photos in a single email. Emailing photos with the built-in iPhoto functionality is equally as simple as sending your favorite photos as an attachment. Mail has a Windows-friendly attachment option to send photos to recipients using a Windows operating system and to send the photos in various sizes without having to re-size them in a photo editing program first.

From Mail

Click the "Mail" icon in your dock or select "Go" from the Finder menu, then scroll to "Applications" and locate the Mail program in the folder. Double-click to launch it.

Compose your email message. Click the "Attach" button at the top of the "New Message" window. Alternatively, choose "File" from the menu and then scroll to "Attach File."

Navigate to the folder that holds the photos you want to send. Hold down the "Shift" key while you click on the photos you want to add to the email. Then click "Choose File." Alternatively, drag your photos from your Mac desktop into the body of the email.

Click the option "Send Windows-Friendly Attachments," which strips unusable and unnecessary resources for Windows users.

Resize your photos, if desired, by clicking the "Image Size" drill down menu at the lower right corner of the window. Choose between "Small," "Medium," "Large" or "Actual Size."

Address your email to the recipient. Click "Send" when you have completed your email.

From iPhoto

Launch iPhoto. Click "Photos" under the "Library Pane" on the left of the iPhoto interface.

Click the thumbnails of the photos you want to email. Hold down the "Shift" key to select multiple thumbnails. You can send up to ten photos in one email.

Click the "Email" stamp icon on the lower right of the iPhoto window. Alternatively, click "Share" and then choose "Email" from the pop-up menu.

Select the size of the photos in the "Size" pull-down menu. Check the boxes next to "Title," "Descriptions" or "Location Information" to send that along with the photo. Click "Compose Message."

Address your email to the recipient. Click "Send" when you have completed your email.
