How to Send a Fax With a Kyocera KM-3225

By Amanda Dyar

The number pad on the mutifunctional printer will allow you to enter the receiver's number for the fax.
i Fax/Printer buttons image by Jeffrey Zalesny from <a href=''></a>

Kyocera KM-3225 multifunction printer is used in large corporations and businesses. The multifunction printer has the ability to print, scan, copy and fax. The Kyocera KM-3225 model is intended for high-volume printing. The fax machine part of the Kyocera KM-3225 model is found on the front of the machine and will have a numbered dial pad on it. You would use the fax machine portion of the Kyocera KM-3225 model just as you would a standalone fax machine.

Check that the Kyocera KM-3225 multifunctional printer is plugged into an electrical outlet and connected to a working phone jack. Turn the multifunctional printer on.

Gather the receiver's fax number. Obtain the documents you wish to fax. Place the fax documents in the order that you want them to be sent in. Fill out a cover sheet for your fax. Enter the recipient's name and fax number on the coversheet, as well as your name and phone number. Write a short message on the coversheet for the recipient and the number of pages being sent, which includes the coversheet.

Place the documents face up on the Kyocera KM-3225 multifunctional printer feeder tray. Make sure the coversheet it on the top. Dial the receipent's fax number by using the dial pad on the machine. View the small screen next to the number pad to check that the number was entered correctly.

Press the "Send" button to send your fax to the recipient. Wait for the machine to send the fax and to collect your confirmation page that will print. Repeat the fax process and check for errors such as wrong fax numbers, if your fax is not sent.
