How to See Images From Facebook Using the FBID Number (4 Steps)

By Micah McDunnigan

Knowing the FBID for any media file lets you directly retrieve it on Facebook.
i Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

The amount of content on Facebook grows by leaps and bounds every single day. Just because you see an image you like on the social network site does not mean there will be any easy way to find it again through Facebook's user interface. Facebook assigns an identification number, or a FBID, to every piece of content users post on the site. If you know the FBID for the image you want to see, you can create a URL that tells Facebook to fetch and load the image for you.

Step 1

Sign into your Facebook account.

Step 2

Delete everything after "" in your Web browser's address bar.

Step 3

Type "photo.php?fbid=" after the "/" in your address bar, then then the FBID number after the "=" symbol.

Step 4

Press the "Enter" key to load the image.
