How to Scan a Document From Within Outlook

By Alan Sembera

Use a page scanner to preserve the appearance of original documents.
i Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Microsoft Outlook's object-embedding capability makes it possible to scan documents and other images directly into your email messages. This allows you to skip the process of scanning and saving the documents separately; the scanned documents are saved as embedded images within the message itself. Outlook enables you to control the size of the image as it is displayed within the message, but the recipient will be able to save the images separately as full-sized attachments.

Step 1

Launch Outlook and open a new message window.

Step 2

Click inside the body of the message where you want to insert the scanned image.

Step 3

Select the "Insert" menu and then click "Object" in the Text section of the ribbon.

Step 4

Select "Bitmap Image" from the list in the Object Type field and click "OK." Outlook launches the Paint application, which is the default bitmap editor in Windows, to capture the images.

Step 5

Click the "File" menu in Paint and select "From Scanner or Camera."

Step 6

Select the name of your scanner and click "OK." Your scanner's dialog box opens.

Step 7

Adjust your scanner settings as necessary, and then click the "Scan" button or the equivalent. You scanner captures the image and displays it in both Paint and Outlook.

Step 8

Apply any changes you wish to make in Paint such as cropping, rotation and resizing.

Step 9

Return to your Outlook message window, where the image appears as an embedded image inside your message. You can resize the image as it appears in your message by dragging the handles on the corners, but the image will be sent as an attachment in its original size unless you change the size in Paint.
