How to Save a Scanned Image to a PDF File

By Foye Robinson

i Polka Dot RF/Polka Dot/Getty Images

A scanner captures documents and other content optically and transfers the information to your computer as an image file. Then you can save the photograph, text or information to a location of your choice and share it with others through such venues as print media, a website or email. Scanning a document saves time, but, since the content is an image, it can be difficult to edit without an image editor. Major editing may require starting from scratch. You can convert a scanned image to a PDF file in a few steps.

Capture the Image

Step 1

Open the scanner software you use for your scanner.

Step 2

Select “File” and “Acquire” to scan the document into your computer (or follow the instructions for your scanner). The scanned document will load into the scanning program.

Step 3

Save the document by clicking on “File” and “Save.” Your document will be saved as an image.

Step 4

Make note of the location where you save the file, such as your computer desktop.

Save the Image as a PDF File

Step 1

Reopen the scanned image in your default image editing software by opening it from your desktop.

Step 2

Select “File” and “Print” to open the “Print” dialog box.

Step 3

Click on the printer name and select your PDF converter from the list of choices. Then click on “OK.”

Step 4

Save the scanned image as a PDF file in the “Save As” dialog box. The default file extension will be “PDF.” Click on “Save.”
