Retrieving Facebook Chat on Google Chrome

By David Nield

Your Facebook chat history can be called up at any time.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Facebook's instant messaging Chat tool integrates with the email-style Messages system to provide a comprehensive record of all your communications with other contacts. In most cases calling up your chat history is as simple as opening up a new window with the contact in question. The same history can be accessed from the Messages screen.

Step 1

Log into Facebook in Google Chrome. If necessary, click the cog icon below the Chat sidebar and choose "Turn on chat" to make your contacts available.

Step 2

Click the name of the contact with whom you want to retrieve a chat. A new window appears displaying your most recent conversations. If the contact in question is not visible, type the friend's name into the search box.

Step 3

Click the "Messages" link to the left of the News Feed for a more comprehensive look at your chat and message history. Conversations are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent appearing at the top.

Step 4

Select any contact name to see the full conversation. Alternatively, use the search box to look for specific friends.

Step 5

Open the "Actions" drop-down menu and select "Open in Chat" to launch the conversation in its own chat window. From the same menu, you can archive and delete conversations, as well as erase specific messages.
