How to Retrieve the Lost Password for an Outlook iMap

By Kara Page

Password-recovery software can help you find your Outlook password on an IMAP server quickly.
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For both professional and personal purposes, Microsoft's Outlook Express is a widely used e-mail application. If you've chosen an IMAP server for your e-mail account, your information is stored permanently on the server, and copies of that information are stored within Outlook Express. If you have forgotten your password, you must download third-party password recovery software compatible with Outlook and IMAP servers to retrieve it. Once installed, the process of finding your password is simple.

Step 1

Download Mail PassView, Advanced Outlook Password Recovery or another program of your choice that specializes in retrieving Outlook passwords on an IMAP server (See Resources). Save the file to your desktop, open and click "Install."

Step 2

Browse the main menu and select your Outlook Express user name.

Step 3

Click "Recover." The process could take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the complexity of your Outlook Express password.
