How to Restart Svchost

By Damarious Page

Svchost is a part of the operating system stored on the hard drive.
i hard drive image by iMAGINE from

The "Service Host" (Svchost.exe) process is a critical component of the operating system. Most Windows 7 functions rely on this process, including Windows updates, the software firewall and themes. Svchost starts up automatically when the computer is powered on, and it cannot be restarted while Windows is running. The most effective way to restart Svchost is to restart the entire Windows operating system.

Click on the Windows orb logo at the bottom of the desktop.

Click on the right-pointing arrow next to the "Shut Down" button at the bottom of the "Start" menu.

Choose "Restart" from the pop-up menu and wait while the Windows operating system restarts.

Log in to the Windows user account.

Right-click on the taskbar at the bottom of the desktop. Click on "Start Task Manager" from the menu.

Click on the "Processes" tab. Scroll down to find instances of the "Svchost.exe" process and that will confirm that it has been restarted.
