How to Reset a Password for Windows CE

By Gryphon Adams

Protect your Windows CE device with a strong password.
i shark jaw in the hand image by Vladimir Melnik from

Microsoft's Windows CE operating system is crucial to the smooth functioning of certain mobile devices; the password protects it from unauthorized access. Windows CE was Microsoft's first embedded operating system and many versions are still in use. As long as you know your original password, you can reset the password. By company policy, Microsoft's support engineers can't help with retrieving or circumventing passwords, according to Microsoft's Support website.

Tap the "Start" button on your device's touch screen. On the Start Menu, tap "Settings." Tap "Control Panel."

Double-tap "Password" on the Control Panel's menu. Type your desired password in the boxes for "Password" and "Confirm Password." Write down your password to avoid the possibility of remembering it incorrectly and getting locked out of your device.

Tap the check box for Enable Password Protection to select it, if you want to turn on password protection for your device. Tap "OK" to confirm your selection.
