How to Report Scams to Yahoo Fraud
By Melly Parker
When you identify a scam taking place using Yahoo's email service, alert Yahoo to the situation right away so they can resolve the problem. While Yahoo doesn't have a dedicated fraud department you can contact, the Yahoo Help Web page is available to direct any customer problems or issues on the site. When you make a report, note that fraud is occurring so your complaint can be routed to the correct Yahoo employees to deal with the problem.
Step 1
Navigate to the Yahoo Help Web page.
Step 2
Select from the first drop-down menu the product on which the fraud is happening. Select suspicious activity in the second drop-down menu and select something related to your problem in the third drop-down menu.
Step 3
Type "Fraud" in the field next to "Briefly tell us how we can help you" and click "Enter."
Step 4
Click "Email Now." Not all drop-down menu options will lead to the "Email Now" option, so make sure you've selected suspicious activity from the second drop-down menu.
Step 5
Type a description of the fraud taking place, including any names, dates and information you have about the fraud.
Step 6
Type your personal information, account information and the Captcha code into the fields and press "Send" to transmit your fraud report.
- If the "Email Now" option doesn't appear, change your selection in the third drop-down box. Some options link to Web pages Yahoo has created to deal with problems on its properties instead of offering you an option to report a problem.
Writer Bio
Melly Parker has been writing since 2007, focusing on health, business, technology and home improvement. She has also worked as a teacher and a bioassay laboratory technician. Parker now serves as a marketing specialist at one of the largest mobile app developers in the world. She holds a Master of Science in English.