How to Replay Heard Messages on the iPhone

By Adrian Grahams

Access messages that you've already heard on the iPhone's Voicemail screen.
i Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The Apple iPhone's visual voicemail saves time and improves your efficiency, because you can view and access individual voicemail messages displayed on the smartphone's screen instead of calling a voicemail number to wade through all saved and new messages. The iPhone's Voicemail feature marks new, unplayed messages with a blue dot. After playing the message, the blue dot disappears but the voicemail entry remains on screen until the item is deleted by you or your carrier network.

Step 1

Tap the "Phone" application icon on the iPhone's home screen.

Step 2

Press the gray "Voicemail" button on the bottom menu of the iPhone screen to display your visual voicemail messages. The iPhone displays the messages in date order with the most recent messages first.

Step 3

Scroll to the voicemail message that you want to listen to again and tap it.

Step 4

Tap the small, circular blue and white "Play" button that appears to the left of the message entry. Tap the "Pause" button to stop the message during playback. Press the "Play" button again to resume the message.

Step 5

Press the green "Call Back" button to call the person who left the message or tap the red "Delete" button at the bottom of the screen if you want to delete the voicemail message after listening to it again. Alternatively, skip this step to leave the message on the screen.
