How to Replace Your Laptop LCD Rubber Bumpers

By Michaele Curtis

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The rubber bumpers on your LCD screen bezel prevent damage to the LCD screen by keeping a safe distance between the screen and the laptop base when it is closed. They also hide the screws that hold your LCD screen bezel in place. These bumpers can become damaged or lost during repairs on your laptop. Most laptop manufacturers provide replacement rubber bumpers, but getting them can be tricky. The glue left from the original rubber bumpers often isn’t enough to keep the replacement ones in place.

Step 1

Turn off your laptop and remove any power cords. Open the LCD display.

Step 2

Carefully pry out old rubber bumpers using the flat-head screwdriver. Their location will depend on the model of your laptop, but rubber bumpers are often positioned on the four corners of your laptop LCD.

Step 3

Place a tiny dot of hot glue on one of the screws that you exposed when you removed the old rubber bumpers. Quickly pop in a replacement rubber bumper before the hot glue dries. Press the rubber bumper into the hole firmly and hold it in place for about 30 seconds.

Step 4

Repeat Step 3 with each of the other rubber bumpers.
