How to Repair OLE32 DLL
By Susan Reynolds
The Ole32.dll is a crucial element of your operating system. The file is a part of the object linking and embedding technology, or OLE, which allows users to embed files and create hyperlinks within programs. If the Ole32.dll is damaged or erased, you will not be able to create links or insert pictures into any documents on your computer. Missing Ole32.dll files also prompt numerous pop-up boxes to inform you that the DLL is missing. The best way to repair this error is to replace the damaged Ole32.dll.
Visit a website that lets users download free copies of the Ole32.dll. Click on the link to download the file and save it to the desktop for easy access.
Go to "Start" > "Search" > "All Files and Folders" and type in "system32." Hit "OK" to search for the folder that holds the vital DLL files of the system.
Drag the Ole32.dll file from your desktop into the "System32" folder. If it asks you if you want to replace the file, click "Yes." The new file will overwrite the damaged Ole32.dll.
Go to "Start" > "Run" and enter "cmd" into the box. Hit "OK" to load the Command Prompt.
Type "regsvr32 ole32.dll" and press "Enter." The new Ole32.dll will install itself onto your computer.
Type "exit" and hit "Enter" to close the Command Prompt.
Reboot your PC.
Writer Bio
Susan Reynolds has been a writer since 2008. She holds a B.A. in English from the University of South Florida and is a licensed real estate agent in Florida.