Renaming an Outlook Profile

By Benjamin Aries

You can set a new name when you duplicate an Outlook profile.
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A Microsoft Outlook profile contains details that are used to connect to a mailbox. Once you create a profile, you cannot directly change its name. However, you can effectively rename a profile using a workaround. You can duplicate the existing Outlook profile, give it a new name, and then delete the old record. The original profile settings are retained, and only the name is changed.

Open the Windows "Start" screen. Select the search box, and type "Mail." Locate the "Settings" category, and click "Mail." The mail settings window appears.

Click "Show Profiles." A list of existing Outlook profiles appears. Select the profile that you want to rename, and click "Copy."

Enter the new name for the profile in the "New Profile Name" field. Press "OK."

Select the old profile from the list. Click "Remove." The profile has effectively been renamed, and you can now use the new profile.


Information in this article applies to Microsoft Outlook 2013 and Windows 8. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.
