How to Rename the Headers on the MS Access Report

By Leigh Thompson

Access generates reports based on information in the tables.
i business report image by Christopher Hall from

Microsoft Access reports take information from a database table and present it in an attractive manner. These reports are typically used in office functions to show trends or totals for a specific time period. These reports pull information from the fields in the underlying table and have a header at the beginning to indicate what information is being shown in that row or column. By default, MS Access names the headers according to the field name in the table. However, you can change headers to suit your needs.

Start Microsoft Access. Right-click the Access report and select "Design View".

Click a specific header box to select it. Click the end of the word in the header to place your cursor. Backspace to delete the current words. Type a new header. Press "Enter" to save the new header.

Right-click the header box and select "Properties". Click the "Format" tab. Place your cursor in the "Name" box. Backspace to delete the old header and enter a new name. Close the property box.

Select the "View" button. Change to "Report" view. Click "Save" on the top menu.
