How to Remove Your Wall on Facebook

By KR Knowlin

Just because Queen Elizabeth has a public Facebook wall doesn't mean that everyone needs one.
i Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images News/Getty Images

While the Facebook wall feature is a great way to share stories and exchange online with friends, you can edit your account privacy settings to prevent all wall postings from appearing on your page. Disable your Facebook wall to prevent other users from posting comments, events, pictures and other media on your profile. Disabling the wall feature removes the application from your profile, making it impossible for anyone to update on your page. You may find it useful to remove your wall if you'd prefer a more discreet correspondence with your friends and family.

Step 1

Log in to your Facebook account from the Facebook homepage. Click the drop-down arrow of the "Account" tab at the top of the page.

Step 2

Select "Privacy Settings" from the drop-down options. A new page loads.

Step 3

Select the "Customize settings" link in the "Sharing on Facebook" section. The Customize Settings page loads to the screen.

Step 4

Scroll down the page to the "Things Others Share" section. Uncheck the box next to the "Friends Can Post to My Wall" option.

Step 5

Visit your Profile page to confirm the change is applied.
