How to Remove a Photo From the Start Up Screen When My Computer Is Booting Up
By Rex Molder
Whether it's the standard Windows logo that appears, or some other annoying photo someone has added to the Windows boot process, often you just want it gone. Though the operating system still must load like it did before, removing the boot splash image will speed up the boot process slightly. Contrary to what you might have read, there is no need to edit code or perform any other fancy computer tricks to end up with a clean, fast boot experience.
Click the "Start" button at the bottom left of your screen.
Select the "Run" command from the menu.
Type "msconfig" into the run command dialog box, and click "OK." If a permission window appears, click "Continue." You will now see the "System Configuration" window displayed.
Click the tab at the top of the window called "Boot." In the window, you will see five boot options. Click the box next to the option that says "No GUI Boot."
Click "OK" to exit the window. Windows will prompt you to restart the computer. Since the computer is already booted and running, there is no need to restart right away. But if you want to see your work in action, click "Restart Now." When the computer boots, you will see a blank screen, and nothing more, until the log on page appears.
- This works the same for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Writer Bio
Rex Molder began writing professionally in 1999 and specializes in automotive, technology and travel articles. His articles have appeared at iPad- and SEO-related websites. Rex holds a Bachelor of Arts in Asian studies from University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.