How to Recreate a PDF With Distiller Set to the Lowest File Size (6 Steps)
By Jen Miller
You can create a PDF by printing a document to the PDF Printer; the document is converted to PostScript and sent directly to Adobe Distiller, which converts the file to PDF according to Adobe Distiller settings. You also have the ability to select and customize Distiller options when you print to the Adobe PDF Printer; you do not need to start Acrobat Distiller.
You can configure Distiller to use the smallest file size when creating a PDF, thus creating the smallest possible size PDF, usually suitable for onscreen and Internet viewing only. These PDFs can be opened in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader versions 6.0 and later.
Configure Acrobat Distiller
Step 1
Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat, click "File" and choose "Print."
Step 2
Select "Adobe PDF" as the printer to use and click "Properties."
Step 3
Select "Smallest File Size" from the "Default Settings" drop-down box.
Step 4
Configure other PDF settings, such as security and page size.
Step 5
Click "OK." The "Print To File" dialog box appears.
Step 6
Type a name for the file in the "File Name" dialog box, choose where you want to save the file and click "Save."
Writer Bio
Jen Miller is a professional writer with over 10 years of experience as a technical writer, editor and proofreader specializing in software. Miller has written a number of materials, including software manuals, marketing materials, newsletters, website copy and style guides. She has a Bachelor of Science in technical writing from Carnegie Mellon University.