How to Recover a .tmp File

By Stephen Lilley

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Files with a .TMP file extension are temporary files on your computer. Oftentimes these are used during the installation of a program or by your Internet web browser. There are hundreds if not thousands of temporary files on your computer at any given time, so if you're trying to recover one that you've lost it will be helpful to know the name. If you don't, you can still search by file extension in the Windows File and Folder search.

Step 1

Click "Start."

Step 2

Click "Search."

Step 3

Click "For Files or Folders..."

Step 4

Click "All Files and Folders."

Step 5

Type the name of the .TMP file you want to recover into the box you see on screen. Then, click the green button. This will search every directory on your computer for the file you've specified. Once located, the .TMP file will appear in the search results on the right portion of the screen.
