How To Read VCS Files

By Brendan O'Brien

A VCS is a type of file that contains calendar data. A VCS file can be read by the both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating systems. The versatility of the file format comes in handy when you are migrating to a new system of changing operating systems. Opening and viewing VCS files takes a few moments and a few clicks.

Outlook for Windows

Save the VCS file to your desktop.

Launch Microsoft Outlook.

Click "File" in Outlook, and then click "Import and Export."

Choose "Import an iCalendar or vCalendar file (*.vcs)," and then click the "Next" button. Navigate to the VCS file that you saved in Step 1, highlight it and click the "Open" button. The VCS file will open in Outlook.

iCal for Apple

Save the VCS file to your desktop.

Launch your Apple iCal application.

Click "File" in iCal and then choose "Import."

Navigate to the VCS file that you saved on your desktop, highlight it and click the "Open" button. The VCS file will open in iCal.
