How to Put Your Studies in Your Facebook Profile

By Sarah Morse

Add your studies to your profile to give your friends a fuller picture of your life.
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Because Facebook revolves around connecting with personal information, adding your education to your profile can help you find long-lost friends or connect with fellow current students. It can also help to update your current friends, who may not keep direct contact with you, on your major life events. Facebook allows you to add many schools to your profile, and you can add your studies while you're in the middle of them or after you've completed them.

Step 1

Sign in to Facebook and click "Edit Profile" under your name in the left sidebar.

Step 2

Locate the "Work and Education" heading and scroll down until you clear your listed work history. If you have nothing listed, you may not have to scroll at all.

Step 3

Add the start and end dates of your time at the school and a description, and check off whether or not you have graduated. If you are adding a college, you can also include "Concentrations" and choose from undergraduate or graduate education.

Step 4

Click "Add School" to complete the process.
