How to Put Pics From Facebook Onto a Flash Drive (4 Steps)

By Leigh Richards

Pictures posted on Facebook can be easily downloaded to a flash drive.
i Hemera Technologies/ Images

Instead of sending pictures to each of your friends, you can post them to Facebook for friends to view or download them onto a flash drive. Likewise, you can grab your friends' photos and archive them onto your own flash drive so you can browse them offline.

Step 1

Insert a flash drive into your computer.

Step 2

Log in to your Facebook account and locate the photo you want to download. If it is a friend's photo, enter his name into the Facebook search bar and select his profile. Towards the top of his page, you will see an icon labeled "Photos." Click on this icon and browse the photos for the one you want to download. If you are looking for a photo you are tagged in, follow these same steps but from your own profile page rather than a friend's.

Step 3

Open up the album you are interested in or locate the photo on someone's status post and right-click to open up the options for the photo. Select the option that says "Save Image As...." to bring up a directory of locations where you can save the photo. From the left menu, locate your removable disk drive where your flash drive should be identified. Select this as the destination.

Step 4

When you save the photo to your flash drive, you have the option to rename the photo. Adding a descriptive name is generally a good idea, particularly if you have a lot of photos, so you can easily identify which photo is which when you look back at them at a later date.
