Proxy Settings for Google Chrome
By John Mitchell
Google Chrome is a fast Internet browser, even with proxy settings enabled. By default, the browser takes advantage of the computer's proxy settings. On a Windows system, these proxy settings are controlled through either Microsoft Internet Explorer or via the Internet Properties section of the Windows Control Panel. Alternatively, a user may override or disable the Chrome proxy settings.
Default Proxy Settings
On the Windows PC, the proxy settings are controlled from the Internet Properties area of the system control panel. Google Chrome provides a quick link from the "Options: Under the Hood" settings area to open the proxy settings. You would open the browser, click the "Gear" icon at the top right corner of the window, select "Options" and go to "Under the Hood." From there, click the "Change Proxy Settings" button from the "Network" sub-section.
LAN Settings
To set up the proxy settings on a Windows computer, you would have to edit the LAN (Local Area Network) settings. Once you click the "Change Proxy Settings" button in Google Chrome, the "Internet Properties" dialog box opens. To change the LAN settings, you would click the "LAN Settings" button. A smaller dialog window opens, giving you the option to change the proxy server that Internet traffic passes through. A proxy server is a network server that hosts Internet traffic, usually in a more secure or anonymous way.
Proxy Server
The benefits of using a proxy server are significant to justify setting one up. When you use your normal connection through an Internet provider or Wi-Fi hot spot, your true IP address is revealed to website administers and owners. Some users prefer remaining anonymous and for this reason, set up a proxy to use on their computer, especially when using local Wi-Fi hot spots. Additionally, other proxy servers advantages may include an Internet speed boost or security features that reduce the risk of remote hacking attempts.
Override Proxy Settings
You can override or disable the default proxy settings that the Google Chrome browser uses. This helpful trick lets you quickly bypass the settings, but you will need to edit the program's launch properties. Right-click the "Google Chrome" desktop icon and select "Properties." Go to the "Target" entry and type "-proxy-server=" behind the "chrome.exe" portion. Replace "" with the actual proxy server you want to use. Otherwise, you can disable by using only "-proxy-server=" without the proxy website address.
Writer Bio
John Mitchell is an expert in all things technology, including social media and smart phones. He is a news ninja for Qwiki, bringing the latest news on the interactive platform. Mitchell graduated from the University of Sedona with a master's degree in pastoral counseling psychology and authored the book, "No More Taxes."