How to Program the Key of a Grand Cherokee

By Robert Ceville

The jeep Cherokee car key contains an embedded chip that synchronizes with your vehicle.
i holding car key image by Photosani from

Most Jeep Grand Cherokees now come with a feature known as "Sentry Key Immobilizer System" (SKIS). This feature sends a signal to the chip embedded in your car key, which is for for authentication and activation of your engine. Your Grand Cherokee comes with two preprogrammed keys, but programing an additional key is advised. If you do not have both of the original keys, you will have to have them programmed at the dealership by a specialty locksmith. With the right instruction, you can program up to six additional keys in just a few minutes.

Buy a blank Grand Cherokee key or keys from a trusted online source or visit your dealership to order them directly. Then have it cut. Just about any hardware store can cut keys to match the existing ones. SKIS can support a as many as eight separate keys through its authentication system.

Put the first preprogrammed key into the car's ignition and turn it to "On." This is the farthest you can turn the key before you start up your car's motor.

Turn the key back to "Off" after five seconds have passed.

Repeat Step 2, but this time use the second preprogrammed key. Wait for 10 seconds before continuing onto the next step.

Turn the key back to the "Off" position when you see the SKIS light begin to flash in the dash panel. Remove the key..

Insert the blank key into the Cherokee's ignition and turn it to "On." Your additional key will be fully programmed once the SKIS lights stop flashing and goes black.

Repeat Steps 2 through 6 for as many as five more blank keys.
