Printing PowerPoint Thumbnails With Note-Taking on the Side

By Melly Parker

Command attention with a PowerPoint presentation.
i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

PowerPoint is an exceptional presentation tool. Whether you're showing data to potential customers, reviewing items with your employees or you simply need to convey information to someone, you can showcase both text and pictures in Microsoft's PowerPoint. One way to help viewers get the most from the presentation is to print out copies of the slides with note-taking areas clearly marked next to each slide.

Double-click on your PowerPoint presentation to open it.

Click on the round Microsoft Office Button at the top left of your presentation. Choose "Print," then "Print Preview" from the menu.

Open the Page Setup area and click the arrow symbol under the label "Print What."

Click the "Handouts (Three Slides Per Page)" option to select your printouts.

Click on the arrow under "Orientation" to choose either portrait or landscape print format.

Choose "Print" to print your slides with spaces for note-taking.


You can print multiple copies by filling in the number of copies you want to receive in the print menu.

You can choose to print the slides in either color or grayscale.
