What Phones Can Be Used on Page Plus?

By James Price

Page Plus offers phones and plans for everyone.
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Page Plus, a no-contract, prepaid cellular service, runs on one of the largest nationwide provider's networks. It offers service at low rates. You can find service plans ranging from those with high text-messaging limits for children and teens to long-term, low-rate plans for seniors who may require service only for emergencies.


Page Plus's CDMA network restricts the types of phones that you can use. CDMA networks use internal phone programming to communicate with the network, while a GSM network uses a tiny chip known as a SIM card. You can't use GSM phones, such as ones found on the AT&T or T-mobile networks, on a CDMA network. Page Plus offers mostly refurbished models but has begun to roll out new phones, beginning with the Kyocera S4000.

Types of Phones

Page Plus offers a selection of phones made for its network. Most of them function as basic calling phones or quick-messaging phones rather than smart phones. Users who require data capability pay more for that option.

Alternate Devices

Page Plus also offers its customers the opportunity to activate select phones from CDMA networks such as Sprint, Verizon and Alltel Wireless. Many of these carriers’ phones are compatible with the network. You can use the phones that are not compatible on the network. Page Plus does not guarantee that they will function fully; you may not be able to get support for their use.

Features and Support

To view or purchase any of Page Plus's fully supported phones, visit the company's website (pagepluscellular.com) to view specific makes and models, as well as features for each device. To find out if a phone you already own will work on the Page Plus network, contact the customer service department by phone or email.
