How to Take a Password off a PDF (6 Steps)

By Diana Braun

The PDF file format is a universally accepted format that doesn't require special fonts or software to view and read it. The Adobe Reader software is available free and allows anyone to view the PDF file independent of software or operating system. PDF files can be created used Adobe Acrobat. Document creators have the option of password protecting documents to ensure only those with authorization gain access to important information. A password may be removed in Adobe Acrobat if the security is no longer needed.

Step 1

Launch Adobe Acrobat.

Step 2

Click "File" from the top menu and then click "Open." Click the PDF file you wish to remove the password from and then click "Open." You are prompted to enter the password of the document.

Step 3

Enter the password in the password prompt and click "OK." The document opens in Adobe Acrobat.

Step 4

Click "Advanced" from the top menu and then click "Remove Security." The Document Properties window launches.

Step 5

Click the "Security" tab of the Document Properties window and select "No Security" under the "Security Method" menu. Click "OK" to close the window.

Step 6

Click "File," "Save" to save your document changes. The next time you or someone else opens the PDF file, a password is not required.
